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Kundalini Yoga Full Moon Solstice Acceleration

What is Kundalini yoga? 

Kundalini yoga is a combination of breath work, postures, mantras and meditations. We combine all these aspects and practice them at the same time to bring spaciousness in the mind, openness in the heart and connect us to our True source of infinite energy.

What is solstice?

Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. That is that there is more light available on this day than any other day. Mystics and Yogis have been harnessing this light energy for millennia. Come do the same. For yourself and for your own evolution.

Full moon in Capricorn brings us an energy of fearlessness. Practicing yoga on this day will help you to tap into your courageousness and set your tone for becoming fearless! This is a magical and mystical moment to practice yoga. 

Allow Kundalini yoga to help you upgrade and elevate. 

Praktische informatie Kundalini Full Moon Solstice Acceleration

Wanneer: zaterdag 22 juni 2024 van 14.00 tot 16.00 uur.

Docent: Courtney Hughes.

Kosten: € 35,-.

Locatie: Kleverlaan 9 in ‘Huis ter Kleef’, Haarlem.


Voor meer informatie kun je ons altijd een email sturen, of bellen naar: 06-11798789.